而我們將回到房裡,待在永遠的一天裡面。』(by val)
Peter Doherty with Dot Allison
2004-07-29 Southampton - The Ballad Of Grimaldilive
video (9.93 MB)
(如果這首歌曲持續沒有正式發行的錄音版本, 那我就可以繼續偏執地鍾愛各種acoustic收藏……)
Anonymous (Login heavyhorse)
Re: listen to her, long after the lion and
May 25 2004, 2:36 PM
P: Did anyone ever say I said I slept with you, biblical like..?
B: blue eye glint pathway to my hand canals of liqued black, slow moving through amsterdams thighs revolve to wonderland, feel the cyclone sweep me up heart and soul fleeing soft... scratchy and itchy dont get on so neither do we mwah1
P: I know your sister, I'm sure I do. She has your smile, but less alluring, more natural
B: shes the goddess of positive forward looking 2stuff2 so ok yeah..
P: shame the guitar aint here, I'll get it back. something has startled me in a 'too much, far too much of a coincidence ' flavour exmouth market / Grimaldi.
St Jude was the patron saint of lost causes , written yonder was 'the ballad of Grimaldi' once 'the ballad of St Jude's' /QPR promoted
the ballad of Grimaldi:
'While there's still a fighting chance
can't you just get up and go
Get away from the hollow romance
that's slowly binding us both
You tell me what you want and I avoid it
tell it to the sick and to the damned
show me what you love
watch me destroy it
for love just crumbles in my hands
but if you stay for a while..
I'll try to think of something kind to say
and maybe if we pray for a while
St Jude may hear my pleas and see me on my bended knees
she knows I adore you
no fighting again tonight
not if she knows I adore you
no fighting again tonight..
I laugh and fall just like Grimaldi
you wear your make-up like babyJaneall
of those promising lies that you told me..come on and tell me them again
I walked these streets all of my life.. [eastern european chords..it goes on..]
B:we are sitting within radius of twenty two churches
all grey habits. diocis of cambridge
nodding pheasant strut voicesoaring on a spring breeZe disturbing the drifting cherry blossom
petals reverberating forward sideways behind we step delicate strands spiders silk draw and contract..
P:is it not summer?
B: well i wrote the fucking thing in spring ive got chills and its not yet julyring anyway sp
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